I say that if you have a blog, one of the best ways to promote your site is by article marketing. Allow articles you write to be used, for free, by people looking for content on their blog, website, e-book or newsletter. In return, they link back to your site and give you credit for writing the article.
Your content becomes distributed around the Internet. You appear to new readers as an expert in your field. You get links back to your own website. Readers are encouraged to visit your blog to find out more information. The benefits to you for adopting an article marketing strategy are huge.
It’s a three step process.
1. Take high quality content you’ve already written for your blog. Pull out your most popular posts and tweak them for a new audience, unused to your work. Add a link in the resource box back to your blog prompting interested readers to visit for further information.
2. Post your articles to various article marketing directories on the Internet. There are many online –do a quick search at Google and you’ll find thousands. See my blog for a list of the 100 best free article directories on the web today.
3. Watch your incoming link count and traffic levels increase as search engines re-index the web over the following weeks and months. Get a good stats package like Google Analytics or StatCounter to measure the success of your articles.
The emphasis is on high quality content. Give the reader something of real value, and they’ll come back to your blog for more.
Saturday, 16 June 2007
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